Monday, July 20, 2015

Life Lessons from a Dying Plant

I bought this hanging plant on sale several weeks ago. It was not very pretty. I had to cut almost all of the major stems and shave off the top part because of the drying leaves that turned brown. After sweeping all the casualties on the floor, I almost regretted I bought it. But I kept it because I believed it had potential. I was merely expecting that the leaves would grow back and I would have a decent plant so our balcony would not be so bare.

Lo and behold- I woke up the other day to find that my scorched and destitute plant, which I thought was about to die soon, not only has managed to come through but also has grown colorful flowers!

I am ecstatic!

Then I just realized that there are lessons to be learned here:
1. Do not judge on outward appearances. Allow nature to take its course and let a person(/plant) bloom in his/her appropriate time.
2. Never give up on someone/something that you know has the potential to become more than it currently is.
3. My job is to water the plant and nurture it. The rest are not up to me.

Fourth, I do have quite a green thumb, don't I? =)

Hoping this sends you positive vibes today....

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