Alaveeeeet hehhehehe!

But anyway, as I was having my haircut last night, I came upon this list from Cleo Mag, and I find this funny and interesting...I'm turning 25 (not 30 ok) waaaaah I'm getting old sheessh!
30 things to try before we turn 30:
1.Channel an old school movie and throw a drink in a man's face.
- Hmmmm...what a brilliant idea...I'll do this soon hahahha.
2.Delete the words “like, random and totally” from your vocab.
-I so totally will do this! ;D
3.Break someone’s heart; similarly, have your own broken. -Been there, done that!4.Divorce toxic friends. - Meron ba??
5.Drink a champagne cocktail in a Paris bar. -Ah boss, when are we going to France?6.Master the art of choosing the perfect wine. -Grapes na lang, can?
7.Confess that (present or past) crush on your best male friend. -Done this a long time ago, like when I was um, 8?8.Drive a wickedly cool car, even if you have to rent it. -Pink convertible for the princess please!
9.Use an alias for a day. -Undercover: Hot Chick... lol.
10.Visit a strip club. -For what??11.Have a favourite book which isn’t chick-lit. - I have a lot!
12.Quit a job, without having another one to go to. -Twice, man!
13.Buy a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill and a black-lace bra.14.Learn who you can trust, who you can’t and why you shouldn’t take it personally.
-Uh-huh..:)15.Live by yourself (for at least six months). -How about 12?
16.Travel somewhere by yourself – a foreign country, another city or just a road trip to the country. -I've been wanting to go to the Hague! Let's!17.Forgive someone who wronged you; apologise to someone you've wronged.
- I did. Di lang halata. ;p
18.Master cooking one impressive three-course meal. -Ok ok!19.Learn to change a tyre. -Oh, man!
20.Buy an original piece of art. -Andy Warhol, bebe!
21.Volunteer for a charity you care about. - I am (ymca)...unicef next!
22.Break-up with a man who you know is bad for you; similarly, have a fling with a man who you know is bad for you!-no comment.
23.Dine solo in a restaurant – no phone, book or notebook allowed.-Why not?
24.Run a marathon. -Coolness.
25.Pay off your credit card(s)/HECS debt/car loan.
Just did this last month. Whew!
26.Spend a whole pay packet on a pair of shoes.-Jimmy Choo!
27.Have a killer joke you tell perfectly ready to use for those awkward moments.-How bout Singapura anecdotes?
28.Try something you always said you’d never do – whether it be sky-driving or eating escargot.-Skydiving definitely!
29.Learn how to stand up for yourself, rather than silently seething when you receive poor customer service or someone makes a snide remark.-Righteous anger dapat!
30.Get married.*
-Oh... Will do ;)