One of my favorite movies is "Apollo 13" in which we first heard those famous words, "Houston, we have a problem", an understatement, to say the least. The astronauts faced seemingly impossible odds of getting back to earth but refused to give up the fight until they splashed down in the waters of home.
Life is much the same. We are often thrust into a daily life of foreign and often frightening worlds, shaky circumstances, and impossible trials with no obvious way of escape. It seems like we will never get home and our world will never be right again.

I have come to cherish that desperate heart cry that drives me to my knees and into the lap of my Father! Each and every time I come to Him, He whispers, "It will be all right. You are not home - yet."
I do not want this broken and torn world to be my final home, but merely a place I am passing through. While I am here, I have a God-sized job to do, an extraordinary mission to complete and a wonderful purpose to fulfill. Is that awesome or what? Absolutely! But it is only the beginning of the eternity for which I was created. It doesn't get any better than that, my friends.
So as you dive into your hectic schedule, remember that one day, we will be home - with Him - but until then, let's celebrate here! Guard your hearts and mind by filling them with God's Word. Hold fast to the true meaning of the season and don't let go! Look for ways to share the message of the manger, embracing that longing for home as a sweet reminder that one day we will celebrate His birth in Heaven. What a Christmas that will be! And we are on our way home!