Last Halloween night, I celebrated my 26th birthday and 2nd year in Singapore with a costume party. My actual birthday is on the 9th but I figured it would be fun to host a halloween party for my friends. I rented the betty davis room at the House in Dempsey Hill, a quiant place located just after Orchard Road and which shelters a line of restos, bars, spas, and food shops.

I even had gate crashers that night!
and Mr. (Flat) Iron Man!

There's actually ongoing halloween parties everywhere that night, and that's when I learned that people here regard Halloween seriously. Hence, the costumes...

Introducing Mr. One-Night Stand...

Of course, my friends and I came with our own numbers...

But more than having fun at our costume party, I consider that night as very special for I was able to share my testimony to all my friends on how God has been faithful and loving as I go through troughs and valleys within my two years of stay in Singapore.
If there's one most valuable thing I've learned that I can share, it would be that it's better to trust God than to trust on myself. I just want to thank and honor God for being a generous, loving, and a miracle-making Father! The ROCK rocks, indeed!

I came here last 2007 looking for a job with less than a thousand US dollars in my wallet. I only have two friends back then - an officemate from Manila and a college friend who lent me his condo while he's travelling to Japan. I lost my job two times in less than a year and found myself to a point of no hope, not to mention no funds to even buy a plane ticket to return home. But my Heavenly Dad has blessed me beyond measure. From 2 friends, I now have more than a dozen...and counting! From a jobless girl without a laptop, I'm now a fairy with wings...haha!

View more pictures of our halloween in Singapore in my Multiply site. :-)