When ocean waves crash onto shore
When wildlife thrive in holes and burrows
When autumn leaves start to fall
We know there is God

When the sun rises each day that comes
When life-giving air fills our lungs
When our eyes see beauty in millions of pixels
When we taste snowflakes with our tongues
We know there is God

When spring rains make flowers bloom
When a bride marries her groom
When an embryo forms in a mother's womb
We know there is God

When man makes castles from stones
When the sky paints stars and rainbows
When tomorrow is always untold
We know there is God 🌈
When darkness turns to light
When grace replaces guilt
When love covers sin
When faith quenches wrath
We know there is God.

Postscript by cousin Aileen Dujon:
When a neighbor greets you with a smile
When a stranger helps you from afar
When good men stand up against injustice and war
We know there is God
And even if all these fail to exist
And hope is all there is
We know there is God