SO I AM gathering up my skirt and exposing my bare toes, ready to soak them in the puddle. Everything else does not matter for too many nights have fallen for me not to notice the countless, gorgeous stars embedded in a blanket of black. Existence IS bliss...this is my silver and I'm loving it!
After Pilates class, I went back to our flat only to find a surprise from my housemates :) This Princess is indeed very, very happy! Looking back, I realized that I am truly blessed in more ways than I had initially thought.
A few weeks before my birthday, I posted an entry concerning a crisis I was going through. It was not severe (like a lemme-see-a-shrink crisis) but I definitely felt that there was something wrong with me and it was not just simple PMS-ing. I became insecure with my status quo and I felt that I needed to do something but I did not know what. I longed for the past yet I also wanted change. The alarm went off in my head and my friends told me that I was having quarter-life crisis. Then I realized (perhaps from reading too much Time & Newsweek) that crisis starts when uncertainty sets in. But I also learned that uncertainty ferments trust, faith, dependence, and a desire to seek wisdom, all of which are necessary to make us all the more human.
Well, I don't think I'm still in a crisis. The emotional waves have subsided (and I'm being poetic again :p). 25 is a good age; and I know some people would die just to become 25 again (e.g. my hunky boss).
This also marks a complete year of living alone... living on lychee puddings, instant noodles, bottles of Coke Zero, and pipe dreams handwritten on recycled springbound notebook...while realizing that this stage is a paradox in itself- characterized by a need to learn more and a desire to secure one's innocence.
I am grateful to the people who have blessed me with their friendship; who have kept me grounded;
who have encouraged me; who have rebuked me; and who have allowed me to be hurt, to suck it up, and to grow . More importantly, I am grateful to Him whose promises are always fulfilled AND whose Princess is so loved and favored upon.
More celebrations, testimonies, and photos to come!