QLC stands for Quarter Life Crisis and I'm currently in it (I think). Marian, my best bud in the office, and I were just discussing how she's been having the blues lately. We both don't know what we want in our career and our relationships, and we are simply not content with what's in front of us.
She sent me an email describing the symptoms (from Wikipedia I think) :
- feeling "not good enough" because one can't find a job that is at one's academic/intellectual level
- frustration with relationships, the working world, and finding a suitable job or career
confusion of identity - insecurity regarding the near future
- insecurity concerning long-term plans, life goals
- insecurity regarding present accomplishments
- re-evaluation of close interpersonal relationships
- disappointment with one's job
- nostalgia for university, college, high school or elementary school life
- tendency to hold stronger opinions
- boredom with social interactions
- loss of closeness to high school and college friends
- financially-rooted stress (overwhelming college loans, unanticipatedly high cost of living, etc.)
- loneliness
- desire to have children
- a sense that everyone is, somehow, doing better than you
Bathroom Conversions ensued...
Marian: You know Jules, I met this PR Manager in a hotel last Tuesday night. She added me in FB and I looked at her blog and she stated she's going through symptoms of QLC as well!Jules: See! It's not only us, we're sane...I'm relieved!
Marian: I know. It happens to all of us I guess.
Jules: Uh-huh.
Marian (in a singsong voice): But I found a solution.
His name is J-E-S-U-S! :)
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